Monday, September 29, 2008

It's been far too long!

So I know it's been almost a month, but so much has happened in the interim! I not only found a new apartment in Diamond Heights (far too expensive and far out of the way) but it's very nice and NOT managed by a crazy landlady! yay! I also moved in last weekend (worst day of my LIFE) and have been incredibly busy with work at the Goog. Insanity.

Oh, and yesterday was my birthday (gosh, am I really 22?!) and I was in Vegas with Jack! First time I'd seen him since the middle of August. RIDICULOUS (-ly terrible!) It was absolutely amazing. We stayed at our place at the Signature and guess what? On my birthday, like at 4:30pm while Jack and I are gambling at NYNY, I get a call from AMY GALLAGHER saying she's in Las Vegas too, right next door at the Monte Carlo!!!! OMG! She was randomly there on a last-minute trip w/ friends from Phoenix. It was the best birthday surprise ever to see her. She rushed right over in true Amy-style and we got dinner/drinks at Nine Fine Irishmen and then she later came over to see the Signature and get a late snack before she went to Zumanity. Awesomeness.

Jack and I saw Ka at the MGM on Sat night, my parents' gift to us for our Birthdays (his was on 9/25, mine was 9/28) and the night before Jack surprised me w/ tickets to see Fab Four Live - a Beatles' Review at Planet Hollywood. It was so sweet! I loveddddd the Beatles' music! All in all, an extremely bittersweet weekend because it was absolutely amazing to see Jack again, but it was so short and we had to part again so quickly and for such another long period of time. It literally breaks my heart, and is much harder than I thought it would be.

But I flew into work this morning and had the most intense day ever trying to catch up. Geez louise! I have to get my life together. Oh, and I left my fave pair of high heels in the damn hotel room. Great - they'll have to charge me an arm and a leg to fedex it back. I'm going to try to go get my security deposit back tomorrow also. Wish me luck, everyone...! We'll see if crazy linda goes for it. If not, we'll have to take drastic measures. Seriously.

That was SUPER abridged, but I think I got the main points in and sorry my phone was off most of the weekend because I left my charger at work and had to keep it off! Please call/email if you wanna catch up one-on-one. I miss you all like crazy.


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